
Mobilinq Fredericton

Phone Repair Service in Fredericton

1381 Regent St
Fredericton, New Brunswick
E3C 1A2

(506) 450-0316


Business Information

Mobilinq Fredericton is a specialist in cell phone and laptop repair. This is one of the many outlets under MOBIPHIX, which has outlets in several Canadian provinces.

Business Hours

Monday - Saturday:
10:00am - 9:00pm
12:00pm - 5:00pm

Repair Services

Mobilinq Fredericton specializes in repairing many of your tech devices such as cell phones and laptops. This location has over 10 years of experience in serving customers. Apart from their great repair services, they also sell many related accessories and other tech devices.

Mobilinq also offers good advice to help customers save money. For example, if budget is an issue, they can advice you on your options. If something is not worth fixing, they can let you know as well.

Staff & Expertise

At Mobilinq, you will receive a limited warranty after repairs. Your device will work like it was new again. You can pick up things like chargers, screen covers, batteries, data cables and much more, while you wait.

The Mobilinq staff are friendly and efficient. They provide great customer service and have good product knowledge as well. You can contact them and get a free quote before you go. Call them at (506) 450-0316 or send an email to

Business Resources

You may find more information about Mobilinq Fredericton online: