
Salopek & Associates

HR consultants in Toronto


Toronto, Ontario

(877) 681-1232


Business Information

Salopek & Associates is a team of business and human resources consultants in Canada. The firm provides excellent customer service and offers a high level of industry expertise.

Business Hours

Monday - Friday:
9:00am - 5:00pm


Salopek & Associates specialize in human resources. They are also business consultants and specialize in several areas. The company is located in Calgary, but helps clients from all over Canada. They provide excellent customer service. Aside from being experienced, they are also an award-winning firm.

Salopek & Associates can assist your business find the right candidate for a position and, thereby, help your company grow. Finding a suitable candidate who fits can benefit your company. The company also helps businesses of all sizes. If you need someone for your company, you can trust Salopek & Associates to bring you the best candidate.


Salopek & Associates have dealt with businesses in many industries, helping them find the right candidate to fill a position. They are experienced and have gained the respect and trust of many companies who use their services again. They are also business consultants.

The company's consultants are members of CPHR, Chartered Professional in Human Resources, or CHRL, or Certified Human Resource Leader. This puts them above many similar companies. Their other specialties include board governance, strategic planning, recruitment, compensation, payroll, employer branding, career transition, policies & procedures and more.


While the company provides high-level business and human resource consulting, they also volunteer to support the communities they serve. This can speak volumes about a company. For example, the company volunteers for the Calgary Catholic Immigrant Society, United Way of Calgary and the Calgary Immigrant Women's Association.

In addition, they have volunteered for the Tourism Calgary Human Resource Association of Calgary. They have mentored graduate students, supported some students in their undergraduate program and formed the Calgary Business and Human Resources Meetup Group.


Salopek & Associates offers HR consulting services across Canada. Some of their major operating cities include Toronto, Vancouver, Edmonton, and Ottawa. Regardless of your location, the team is dedicated to providing professional guidance on numerous HR matters.

If you want to learn more about the company or require their services, please call 1-877-681-1232. Salopek & Associates is open on weekdays from 9AM to 5PM.

Business Resources

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